Anti sleep alarm circuit



Arduino code:

#define Relay 13

#define buzzer A0

static const int sensorPin = 10;                    // sensor input pin 

int SensorStatePrevious = LOW;                      // previousstate of the sensor

unsigned long minSensorDuration = 3000; // Time we wait before  the sensor active as long 

unsigned long minSensorDuration2 = 6000;

unsigned long SensorLongMillis;                // Time in ms when the sensor was active

bool SensorStateLongTime = false;                  // True if it is a long active

const int intervalSensor = 50;                      // Time between two readings sensor state

unsigned long previousSensorMillis;                 // Timestamp of the latest reading

unsigned long SensorOutDuration;                  // Time the sensor is active in ms

//// GENERAL ////

unsigned long currentMillis;          // Variabele to store the number of milleseconds since the Arduino has started

void setup() {

  Serial.begin(9600);                 // Initialise the serial monitor

  pinMode(sensorPin, INPUT);          // set sensorPin as input

  Serial.println("Press button");




// Function for reading the sensor state

void readSensorState() {

  // If the difference in time between the previous reading is larger than intervalsensor

  if(currentMillis - previousSensorMillis > intervalSensor) {


    // Read the digital value of the sensor (LOW/HIGH)

    int SensorState = digitalRead(sensorPin);    

    // If the button has been active AND

    // If the sensor wasn't activated before AND

    // IF there was not already a measurement running to determine how long the sensor has been activated

    if (SensorState == LOW && SensorStatePrevious == HIGH && !SensorStateLongTime) {

     SensorLongMillis = currentMillis;

       SensorStatePrevious = LOW;


      Serial.println("Button pressed");


    // Calculate how long the sensor has been activated

   SensorOutDuration = currentMillis - SensorLongMillis;

    // If the button is active AND

    // If there is no measurement running to determine how long the sensor is active AND

    // If the time the sensor has been activated is larger or equal to the time needed for a long active

    if (SensorState == LOW && !SensorStateLongTime && SensorOutDuration >= minSensorDuration) {

      SensorStateLongTime = true;


      Serial.println("Button long pressed");


    if (SensorState == LOW && SensorStateLongTime && SensorOutDuration >= minSensorDuration2) {

     SensorStateLongTime = true;



      Serial.println("Button long pressed");



    // If the sensor is released AND

    // If the sensor was activated before

    if (SensorState == HIGH && SensorStatePrevious == LOW) {

      SensorStatePrevious = HIGH;

      SensorStateLongTime = false;



      Serial.println("Button released");




    // store the current timestamp in previousSensorMillis

   previousSensorMillis = currentMillis;



void loop() {

  currentMillis = millis();    // store the current time

  readSensorState();           // read the sensor state



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  1. bro apna api sound kar raha hai please is ka naya code bhaj digiya na bro
