Home automation arduino code

Arduino code:
 * Connections of Arduino and Bluetooth Module HC-05 for this Code:
 *      Arduino  |  Bluetooth Module (HC-05)
 *            1  |  RX
 *            0  |  TX
 *           3V  |  3V
 *          GND  |  GND
//Technical idEas
// https://youtube.com/channel/UCCJyR_wnt3SxhErsSUP9Wrw
//Home Automation
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>   //including library for Software Serial communication

SoftwareSerial mySerial (0, 1);    //(RX, TX)

//defining all the pins of Arduino
#define s1 2
#define s2 3
#define s3 4 
#define s4 5

void setup() 
  //setting all the pins 
  pinMode(s1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(s2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(s3, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(s4, OUTPUT);

  //defining baudrate

void loop() 
  if(mySerial.available() == 1)   //if communication is going on
    char val = mySerial.read();   //Read the data recieved
    Serial.println("Recieved data is " + (String) val);
    if(val == 'A')    
      digitalWrite(s1, HIGH);
      Serial.println("Switch 1 is ON");
    if(val == 'a')
      digitalWrite(s1, LOW);
      Serial.println("Switch 1 is OFF");
    if(val == 'B')
      digitalWrite(s2, HIGH);
      Serial.println("Switch 2 is ON");
    if(val == 'b')
      digitalWrite(s2, LOW);
      Serial.println("Switch 2 is OFF");
    if(val == 'C')
      digitalWrite(s3, HIGH);
      Serial.println("Switch 3 is ON");
    if(val == 'c')
      digitalWrite(s3, LOW);
      Serial.println("Switch 3 is OFF");
    if(val == 'D')
      digitalWrite(s4, HIGH);
      Serial.println("Switch 4 is ON");
    if(val == 'd')
      digitalWrite(s4, LOW);
      Serial.println("Switch 4 is OFF");

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