Social distancing device report file


The project social distancing device is a technology based device which does its work automatically

The motive with which we have selected this project is that lots of people are suffering from *Novel Coronavirus*

disease , which us due to lack of conscience in maintaining social distance .

The device is designed in such a manner that whenever any person arrives very near to us, it automatically gives an alarm which reminds us of maintaining social distancing.

Materials required:

1)  Ultrasonic sensor

2)  Piezo Buzzer

3) Jumper wires

4) Microcontroller (Arduino uno)

5) Battery 

6) Plastic box

Aim :

The project aims in maintaining social distancing between 2person,the device gives an alarm when 2persons are too close 

Thus it helps in minimizing the spread of corona virus.


The objective of this project is to prepare a social distancing device with low cost


1) A plastic box is taken to manage the electronic inside. And arrangements of all the peripheral like Arduino uno, battery, ultrasonic sensor, wires etc are incorporated in the project.

2) Assembling of all the peripheral in right order for its proper functioning

Work plan :

The project we made is a social distancing device by seeing daily movement of a man .

Whenever a person goes too close to another person it automatically gives alarm and we maintain distancing.

Keeping all in mind we planned to work on this project to save lives and minimizing the spread of corona virus.


The microcontroller arduino uno is programmed in such a way that whenever a person comes too close to ultrasonic sensor it activates the buzzer.


After completing the project we observed that peripherals started to function automatically and save lives.

Future plan:

As we know the project is made of automated system so this type of project may help the world in minimizing the spread of corona virus.


We tried our best to incorporate preplanned idea into our project to fulfill the required of a social distancing device.

We also observed that our model has been able to dispense its task effectively and properly.

This project help people in maintaining social distancing in this pandemic world of CORONA VIRUS.

Thus we hope our project will draw attention of many people. 


Arduino code:

#define trigPin 13

#define echoPin 12

#define motor 7

#define buzzer 6

void setup()


pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);

pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);

pinMode(motor, OUTPUT);



void loop()


long duration, distance;

digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);


digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);


digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);

duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);

distance = (duration/2) / 29.1;

if (distance < 70)     // This is where checking the distance you can change the value


digitalWrite(motor,HIGH);    // When the the distance below 100cm


} else


digitalWrite(motor,LOW);     // when greater than 100cm


} delay(500);


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